Mail is pretty self explanatory, but I wanted to at least mention that if there is a mail that you want to save and refer back to, tap on the star icon at the bottom to save it as a favorite. Mail gets deleted frequently, so if there is something you really want to keep around, make sure to use that star icon. Tip: Please save all mail someone in your alliance sends out that provides tips so that you can refer back to them later if needed. There is a lot of information to remember, so please keep those so you aren't asking again and again. Alliance members will likely get upset if they have to keep telling you the same things over and over again.
Another important icon is the "T" icon at the bottom of every mail. This is vital if you join an alliance with someone who speaks another language or if you are simply receiving mail from an individual who speaks another language. The "T" icon translates your mail into your language (as best it can), so that hopefully you can at least read it...if not understand it.
Alliance Chat can be accessed by tapping on the text box at the bottom of the Main Screen. If you notice, just above the text box there are three little lines. One of them should be glowing. The Alliance Chat is the line in the middle, so you know you are in Alliance Chat if that line is glowing. Swipe side to side on the text box to cause it to switch between the three lines. The left-most line is World Chat and the right-most line is Whisper (also known as PM or Personal Message). You should check Alliance Chat often and see what's been going on within your alliance. This is very important to working together as a team, and in Evony you really need an alliance to get anywhere.
Feel free to ask any questions. MOST alliances appreciate it if you ask them things. Tip: Repeatedly asking the same stuff does get on people's nerves, so try to limit how many times you ask the same question. Evony does provide help features all throughout the various screens, so usually you can tap on the help icon, which is an "i" icon, and it will give you details about each thing.
For example, in the Event Center under Battle of Gaugamela, there is an "i" icon on the right side of the screen about halfway down. Tap on this and it will give you all the information you need for playing Battle of Gaugamela. You may not understand everything at first, but this information is helpful so you get a basic idea. If you at least have read this information first, then you ask your team about things you are confused about, this usually makes your teammates happier to help you. If you just keep asking them questions about it that you could have answered by reading the information yourself, you may wind up frustrating your alliance mates.
You can Whisper individuals at any time. If you've Whispered someone before, simply make sure you select Whisper by tapping on the text box and then the Whisper tab. A list of people you have Whispered previously will appear. If you haven't Whispered someone before, go to Friends List (if you've added them as a Friend already) in the Main "triple dotted" Menu on the right side of the screen or go to Alliance and Members and select the "triple dotted" menu on the right side of their entry. Select Send Message. Whisper is reserved for private conversations. When asking questions that others may benefit from, please use Alliance Chat. Regardless, if you are shy, no worries, people won't get angry with you if you just like to Whisper instead of talking on Alliance Chat to everyone, even if you are asking questions others can benefit from.
If you want to Friend Request someone, you would go into either one of the two menus above, Friends List or Alliance Members. In Alliance Members, find the person, select the Main Menu and select Send Friend Request. In Friends List, you need to go to Recommended tab and put their name in exactly as it is or find them in the list (which could take a long time because it populates randomly). Once you find them, select the Main Menu and Send Friend Request.
World Chat is where you go to talk to anyone on the server. Be careful what you say out there. Make sure your alliance is okay with what you say out there. Many times people get in trouble for saying horrible things on World Chat that can get other alliances angry and want to burn your entire alliance. So use caution. Know your alliance before you start shooting off at the mouth on World Chat.
Server Chat is only available during SVS. This is where you can talk to people on your server and your enemy server. The same rules for World Chat apply to Server Chat. Be careful who you upset or you may have some huge alliance from an enemy server blowing up your Alliance City and really making your alliance mates angry.